Saturday 2 June 2018


What is the internet & world wide web?🌏


  • In today's world, internet is getting essential to use in everyone's lives and also in the business world.
  • It simply means the network connecting a computer to another in anywhere of the world where we can send and receive all types of information such as videos, images, texts, graphics, voice and other computer programs.

World Wide Web?

  • World wide web is a part of the internet which contains websites and webpages.
  • It is known to be a HTML (hyper-text markup language).
  • The business world normally use this "www" in order to make websites and make money from advertisements rather than from fees.

How does it work?

So, how does the internet work? Most of us know how to use the internet without actually understanding how it works. Sort of like electricity at your home, you use it everyday but may not understand the mechanics behind it.

In order to make the internet work, there are some steps or procedures to be followed.

Step 1:

As explained previously that internet is a global network of computers, every single computer connected to the internet has a number.
Now, the X's here that you see actually would be replaced with a number of some kind in which the xxx must be numbers from 0-255. This is known to be an address which is called the IP (Internet Protocol) address

Step 2:

Secondly, computers connected to the internet through their Internet Service Provider (ISP). ISP has a set of addresses to give out. A simple definition of the ISP is that it provides internet services in order to let people access, use or participate in the internet, even if people are trying to access sitting at home, work or anywhere else.

There are different types of internet connections as there are many ways our gadgets can connect to the internet. Different hardware have different range of connection speeds. Some examples of the types of internet connections are:
  • Dial-Up- connects to the internet after the computer dials a phone number.
  • Cable- provides an internet connection through a cable and operates over cable TV lines.
  • Wireless- also known as Wi-Fi which does not need cables or telephone lines.

Step 3:

When your computer is connected to the internet, we are normally searching for different addresses which is known as the website. In order to remember easily the internet addresses, Domain Names are used. The examples of domain names are such as the edu, gov, org, com and many more. These domain names are formed by rules and procedures of the Domain Name System (DNS). The domain names also represents the Internet Protocol (rules protecting the internet network). 

To conclude, the internet as we may or may not know, has many techniques of setting up. So far in this P1 I have explained the definition of internet, world wide web, IP address, ISP, types of internet connections, domain names, DNS and Internet Protocol.

These are some explanations from me and my research! Thank you so much for visiting my blog😃

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